Friday, September 28, 2007

Obsessions 2

All of us have obsessions, we are obsessed by things we have or we don't, we are obsessed by people and their evilness or by their goodness, we are even obsessed by our stupidity, we are obsessed by other people's lies, and their cocky attitudes.

We are easily frustrated by things that are not important, we love or hate with no limits, and whatever we choose to do we can easily destroy the subject of our love or hate, but we usually don't care about this, compassion is not something we care or consider. We are only interested about ourselves, we have a habit of over-analyzing every small detail of our feelings, and we love hear ourselves talk, just to look interesting we tell over-exaggerated tales. We love to complain hopping that someone will console us, we have friends and love them, we have enemies and it is better if we don't know them, we have unfulfilled dreams, but each of us can visualize a lovely place where we can imagine ourselves happy.

We make many mistakes, and we feel sorry for a while but we would much rather forget them,
we don't afford to be sincere because being sincere it is considered a weakness, we talk a lot and say nothing, we wish somebody will read our minds, and we don't know how to say "I am sorry".
We wish for somebody’s love, which doesn't love us, we wish for somebody's appreciation who doesn't appreciate us, we wish for somebody's understanding who doesn't understand us, what's wrong with us???

And I still believe that people are good.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Toti avem obsesii , suntem obsedati de lucruri pe care le avem sau nu , obsedati de oameni si de rautatea lor , sau de bunatatea lor , suntem obsedati uneori chiar si de stupiditatea noastra , suntem obsedati de minciunile altora , de prefacatoria celor din jur , de stratul de bunatate pe care unii preting ca-l au.
Suntem frustati de milioane de chestii total neimportante , putem ura sau iubi necontrolat si nelimitat , si oricare din cele doua lucruri le-am face putem usor distruge persoana in cauza ,dar asta nici ca ne pasa, nu ne prea caracterizeaza compasiunea. Suntem interesati numai de persoana noastra, altruismul e un cuvant pe care multi tre sa-l caute in dictionar , facem o pasiune din a ne analiza si super-analiza fiecare mic sentiment, si vrem cu tot dinadinsul sa fim auziti, sa parem interesanti, sa povestim lucruri fantastice care de cele mai multe ori sunt niste exagerari enorme.
Ne place sa ne plangem in speranta ca cineva ne va consola, avem prieteni si ne pasa enorm de ei , avem dusmani si e bine daca nu-i stim , avem vise neimplinite care ne macina incet facandu-ne mai rai si mai batrani, si fiecare dintre noi are un loc favorit, un loc in care daca ar ajunge ar fi fericit.
La sfarsitul zilei , inainte de a adormi ne imaginam acel loc , poate fi o poienita , malul marii , varf de munte , nu conteaza ce e , important e ca putem vizualiza locul in care ne-am putea linistii. Iar cand suntem linistiti, atunci suntem oameni.
Facem multe greseli si multe erori , si ne pare rau o vreme dupa care ne place sa le uitam, nu ne permitem sa fim sinceri pentru ca sinceritatea se considera o "calitate oamenilor slabi', vorbim mult si nu spunem nimic , asteptam ca cei din jur sa ne citeasca gandurile, nu stim semnificatia lui "imi pare rau" si nici nu suntem dispusi sa o invatam.
Cosideram ca viata ne e datoare, ne plangem si suntem nemultumiti , visam iubirea cuiva care nu ne iubeste , visam aprecierea cuiva care nu ne apreciaza , visam bunatate de la cineva care nu ne-o poate da, visam intelegere de la cineva care nu ne intelege, ce dracu e wrong cu noi !!!!!

iar eu tot mai consider ca toti oamenii sunt buni .

Friday, September 14, 2007


"Do you want me to tell you something funny?"
"What about? "
"Infinity. But it isn't complicated. I mean, you don't need a degree in -"
Francoise waved a hand in the air, tracing a red pattern with the tip of her cigarette.
"Is that a yes?" I whispered
"Okay". I coughed quietly. "If you accept that the universe is infinite, then that means there's an infinite amount of chances for things to happen, right?"
She nodded..
"Well, if there 's an infinite amount of chances for something to happen, then eventually it will happen - no matter how small the likelihood"
"That mean somewhere in space there's another planet that, by an incredible series of coincidences, developed exactly the same way as ours. Right down to the smallest detail."
"Is there?"
"Definitely. And there's another which is exactly the same, except that palm tree over there is two feet to the right. And there's another where the tree is two feet to the left. In fact, there're infinite planets with infinite variations on that tree alone..."
Silence. I wondered if she was asleep. "So how about that?" I prompted.
"Interesting" she whispered. In these planets, everything that can happen will happen"
"Then in one planet, maybe I am a movie start"
"There's no maybe about it. You live in Beverly Hills and swept last year's Oscars".
"That's good"
"Yeah, but don't forget, somewhere else your film was a flop"
"It bombed.The critics turned on you, the studio lost a fortune, and you got into booze and Valium. It was pretty ugly"
Francoise rolled on to her side and looked at me. "Tell me about some other worlds" she whispered.
"Well" I replied."That's a lot to tell"

The Beach- Alex Garland

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Seeing by Jose Saramago

A book about us , seeing people ,
A book about political power and madness
A book about avoiding to see the truth and killing it
A shocking book ...

"when we are born, when we enter this world, it is as if we signed a pact for the rest of our life, but a day may come when we will ask ourselves Who signed this on my behalf ? "