Friday, September 28, 2007

Obsessions 2

All of us have obsessions, we are obsessed by things we have or we don't, we are obsessed by people and their evilness or by their goodness, we are even obsessed by our stupidity, we are obsessed by other people's lies, and their cocky attitudes.

We are easily frustrated by things that are not important, we love or hate with no limits, and whatever we choose to do we can easily destroy the subject of our love or hate, but we usually don't care about this, compassion is not something we care or consider. We are only interested about ourselves, we have a habit of over-analyzing every small detail of our feelings, and we love hear ourselves talk, just to look interesting we tell over-exaggerated tales. We love to complain hopping that someone will console us, we have friends and love them, we have enemies and it is better if we don't know them, we have unfulfilled dreams, but each of us can visualize a lovely place where we can imagine ourselves happy.

We make many mistakes, and we feel sorry for a while but we would much rather forget them,
we don't afford to be sincere because being sincere it is considered a weakness, we talk a lot and say nothing, we wish somebody will read our minds, and we don't know how to say "I am sorry".
We wish for somebody’s love, which doesn't love us, we wish for somebody's appreciation who doesn't appreciate us, we wish for somebody's understanding who doesn't understand us, what's wrong with us???

And I still believe that people are good.

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