Sunday, November 25, 2007

Let's pretend

Let's pretend that we are smart enough to leave this life as it is
Let's pretend that we can avoid dreaming
Let's pretend we are grown ups , and we know how grown ups do things
Let's pretend we are dam good people
Let's pretend we are not selfish
Let's pretend that little miracles don't exist
Let's pretend everything and let's see what's left of us after that



Tiny Seal said...

Good one!

Lets pretend we dont resent
Lets pretend we are not disappointed in people
Lets pretend we lead fulfilling lives
Lets pretend we are strong all the time

(drifted here from Vinay's blog)

Trice said...
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Trice said...

WOW :) thanks
what can I say ? Great minds think alike :))