Thursday, March 20, 2008

Soft Things

In the software business mainly the concept is: you have a software running, made out :)) (interesting term though) of many files, and if it runs without any problems or with smart workarounds, without crashing, makes everybody happy, but when the software crashes that means it’s a 'bug' in one of those files and we usually "check out” that file, fix the bug and "check in" the fixed file into the software.

Why this entire intro? Because somehow I can see a light connection between software and our soul. Our soul is a very soft thing, and "runs" us and our life and we do everything possible to not crash this soft-thing, sometimes when we have problems one of our "soul file's" have a bug and we "check out " that file and try to fix it, and that's the moment when we try to comprehend the problem (what bothers us, what makes us sad or worried). A healthy mind will try to figure out "why?" all this happens and will try to figure out a way to fix it. Sometimes you can't fix it by yourself, you need somebody’s help, a friend or a specialist or just time, but the happiest moment is when you fixed the problem and "checked in" the "healthy" file into your soul and feel yourself up and running again.

"check out " and then "check in " as fast as possible :)
"let in be " and if it hurts just "let it go" :)

1 comment:

Augustin Moga said...

If you run a buggy software again and again, it will most likely crash in the very same spot it crashed the first time.

However, if you run into an experience that bothers you somehow (a "problem"), and you run into it again and again, chances are you won't react the very same way as the first time -- you become "immune"; your mind adapts, it cures itself of the annoyance. And this never happens in the software realm. (I wish it did :-)...)

However, your post reminds me of an ad I've seen in the subway. Can't remember what was it about but the slogan was: "Move in. Move out. Move on." :-)