Saturday, February 23, 2008


A news paper add , caught my eyes :
“ Moment in a bottle
We can bottle all kinds of moments for you - sorrow full;
sad; silly; marvelous; splendid; capital; exceptional;
exquisite; charming; delightful; gorgeous; beautiful; ordinary; trivial
Don't call us you can find us at 676 Somewhere street (keep north on Reality street ,
take right on Dream street then left on Somewhere street)
Don't forget to bring your moment with you.”

I have a moment I would love to bottle ,I thought let me find this place and see what exactly these crazy people do.
I got there, I found the store, I got in and the lady, without looking at me said:
- "Ah, good day, you came with a beautiful moment, didn't you? "
- "Hi, you are right, how do you know that? ", I asked confused
- "Oh dear, I can feel it, just feel it", she said turning around, with a big smile on her face .
I was embarrassed and she knew that very well, so she asked me
-" What exactly do you want to do with that moment, dear? Put it in a bottle, on your shelf and once in a while put a tea spoon of it into you morning coffee? "
-" This is what you do? Take the moment, make it into a drink? Then people take a sip each time they want to live the moment again?" I questioned.
- "Not exactly dear", she gave me a strange look and told me something I didn't expect
- "People want to forget some moments, they want to avoid feeling the pain of happiness or sadness, this is how most people are, they come to me and put all theire feelings into a jar, I mix them and create a drink, bottle it, and voila, they won't feel anything anymore even though they will recall that moment but with no feelings. Then tell me dear, do you want that? "
-" No, not that, I would like to keep it alive, can you do that? "
-" No dear , I can't, but I have an advice for you , just let it be , let that moment make you smile , make you cry, make you feel the pain and the beauty of it and that's the only way you will keep it close to you as long as you want ."
- "Thanks a lot; I will keep that in mind."
- "Take care dear", she said turning away.

I left the store listening to Pink Floyd, happy to feel everything.


Unawoken said...

Good story, I like the fairytale type narration.
Pain of happiness?

Trice said...

yes, pain of happiness :)) exactly

Anonymous said...

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Trice said...

wow , thanks :)